A holding pattern

Well, so much for that goal of getting down to 205 lbs by July 4th.  We’re now just a few days away, and I am still holding steady around 215. I’ve been in a pattern of doing well during the week, getting down to 212 or 213, and then a restaurant meal, takeout or ice cream indulgence on the weekend will push me back up into the 215-216 range. Lather, rinse, repeat. I’m exercising, but not enough to offset the food.

Looking on the bright side, we are half way through the year and I have maintained a 15 lb weight loss since January 1st.  So it’s not like I haven’t accomplished anything in 2015.  But I seem to be lacking the impetus to really press hard into more of a loss mode. I am just a little too comfortable at this set point. Mojo, where are you?

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